Excursion programs

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Students In Uniform At Meerkat Bistro Exhibit Watching Meerkats Feeding
STEM Year 3-4
Melbourne Zoo | Year 3, Year 4
Students will apply their STEM knowledge, creativity and problem-solving skills to support the welfare of animals at Melbourne Zoo.
Student In Uniform Looks At Helmeted Honeyeater at Healesville Sanctuary
STEM Year 5-6
Melbourne Zoo | Year 5, Year 6
Students use design thinking to develop solutions to the challenges our scientist face when working with threatened species in the wild.
Group of students in blue school uniforms doing fieldwork by examining the kangaroos
STEM Year 7-8
Melbourne Zoo | Year 7, Year 8
Students use design thinking to develop solutions to the challenges our scientists face when working with threatened species in the wild
Wester Lowland Gorilla Kanzi eats some leaves from a branch
STEM Year 5-6
Werribee Open Range Zoo | Year 5, Year 6
Boost your Year 5-6 STEM curriculum by focusing on real-life STEM scenarios. Your students will use their creativity to help Gorilla Doctors solve a challenge.
Western Lowland Gorilla Holding Ring With They Re Calling On You Sign
STEM for African Wildlife 7-8
Werribee Open Range Zoo | Year 7, Year 8
Combining Science with Design and Technologies unleashes student innovation. In this program, your students will use their creativity and problem-solving skills to help the Gorilla Doctors with a challenge.
Western Lowland Gorilla Kanzi Sitting Up On Log And Looking Back Over Her Shoulder At Camera
STEM Year 9-10
Werribee Open Range Zoo | Year 9, Year 10
Use real-world conservation challenges and bring together Science and Design and Technologies to ignite a love of learning. Your students will use their creativity to help the Gorilla Doctors solve problems in the wild.
A zoo staff member walks through the bush with his arm outstretched on a sunny day with some young students who look up at him.
STEM Year 3-4
Healesville Sanctuary | Year 3, Year 4
Ignite Year 3-4 students’ love of STEM through the design of new nesting boxes for possums and parrots.
Three students smile as they walk through the bush on a sunny day
STEM Year 5-6
Healesville Sanctuary | Year 5, Year 6
Use the power of your STEM curriculum to engage Year 5-6 students in finding solutions for endangered possums and parrots.
Three students smile as they walk through the bush on a sunny day
STEM Year 7-8
Healesville Sanctuary | Year 7, Year 8
Activate Year 7-8 students’ STEM skills by designing new nesting boxes for endangered possums and parrots.
A zoo staff member points up into the bushland while talking to three school students, dressed in school uniforms
STEM Year 9-10
Healesville Sanctuary | Year 9, Year 10
Activate Year 9-10 students’ STEM skills by designing new nesting boxes for endangered possums and parrots.