Excursion programs

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Showing 1 - 10 of 16 programs for: Healesville Sanctuary
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Kinder Kid Examines A Feather With A Magnifying Glass Healesville Sanctuary
Early Childhood
Healesville Sanctuary | Early Childhood
Engage your senses in nature! Connect with the environment through nature play and learn about Wurundjeri culture and unique Australian wildlife.
A young students smiles as he looks a bright blue ostrich egg next to smaller timber-shaded eggs
Cultures and Connection to Place F-2
Healesville Sanctuary | Foundation, Year 1, Year 2
Aboriginal cultures teach us that everything is connected. Uncover Aboriginal connections to seasons, animal life cycles, and the environment by playing, exploring, and observing the Australian bush.
A boy is school uniform rubs a stick between his has as another student looks on
Aboriginal Cultures and Country Year 3-4
Healesville Sanctuary | Year 3, Year 4
Links to Victorian Curriculum Levels 3-4 Science and Geography and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cross-curriculum priorities.
Three students smile as they walk through the bush on a sunny day
Healesville Sanctuary | Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, Foundation, Year 1, Year 2, EAL, Early Childhood, VCE, VCE Vocational Major, Tertiary
A unique, real-world learning experience exploring Australia’s natural world and wildlife.
Four young school students in uniform smile at a zoo staff member who is crouched down in front of a koala exhibit
Habitats, Features and Life Cycles F-2
Healesville Sanctuary | Foundation, Year 1, Year 2
Immerse your students in nature and take a journey through the Australian bush at Healesville Sanctuary to discover what makes Australian animals so unique, how they survive and how to best care for them and their homes.
Student In Uniform Looks At Helmeted Honeyeater at Healesville Sanctuary
Features, Life Cycles and the Environment Year 3-4
Healesville Sanctuary | Year 3, Year 4
Take a journey through the Australian bush at Healesville Sanctuary and discover the features and life cycles of Australian animals and how they depend on the environment to survive.
Student In Uniform Watches A Helmeted Honeyeater Fly Away Healesville Sanctuary
Adaptations and Features Year 5-6
Healesville Sanctuary | Year 5, Year 6
Discover the diversity of Australian animals, their amazing adaptations and the environmental conditions they need to survive.
Four Secondary School Students Examine A Skull Healesville Sanctuary
Food Chains and Food Webs Year 7-8
Healesville Sanctuary | Year 7, Year 8
Investigate the food webs of Australian animals and their unique features that are key to survival.
Black Swan Swimming To Left Of Frame in the Wetlands at Healesville Sanctuary
Ecosystems Year 9-10
Healesville Sanctuary | Year 9, Year 10
Explore the interdependence of wetland ecosystems and the organisms that rely on them.
A zoo staff member walks through the bush with his arm outstretched on a sunny day with some young students who look up at him.
STEM Year 3-4
Healesville Sanctuary | Year 3, Year 4
Ignite Year 3-4 students’ love of STEM through the design of new nesting boxes for possums and parrots.