Access Funds Terms and Conditions

Victorian schools that have not been a beneficiary of the Access Fund in the last calendar year, and meet at least one of the following criteria are eligible to apply for the Access Fund:

    • Has a school Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA) rating of 1000 or lower.
    • Has faced special circumstances such as drought, flood, bushfire etc within the last 12 months.
  • The transport subsidy is a contribution towards transport costs and is a flat rate $250 for metropolitan schools, and $500 for non-metropolitan schools. After the visit, schools are required to send an invoice for the transport reimbursement, quoting the Purchase Order number, within 30 days. Invoices should be sent to After the 30 days, if an invoice has not been sent by the school the Purchase Order will be closed and the reimbursement will be voided.
  • Fully subsidised admission is capped at 100 students per school, and any additional students are at the current student rate Zoos Victoria standard teacher-student ratio applies.
  • Only one Access Fund request per school per year will be accepted, irrespective of numbers.
  • Applications can only be made through the Access Fund request form. Schools will be notified if they are successful in securing support through the Fund.
  • Bookings must be made more than four weeks in advance.
  • To demonstrate the impact of the Access Fund and continue to provide this support to schools, we appreciate you completing the short evaluation survey that is sent out after your visit. Completion of this evaluation survey is a compulsory component of this program.
  • The Access Fund has limited spaces and will be closed for the year when fully subscribed.
  • The Access Fund cannot be used for the Zoo Snooze program.