Explore all the indoor and outdoor play areas the Zoo has to offer!

Whether it's your first time at the Zoo or you're more familiar with the animal trails, check out our ultimate guide on where to find all the play spaces to let your little ones go wild while taking a moment for yourself.

We offer both indoor and outdoor play spaces suitable for all weather conditions!

Indoor play spaces

Perfect for rainy days or getting some shade

A boy is in a play helicopter inside looking through binoculars. A man in a zoo keeper uniform is sitting next to him.

Ranger kids

Location: near Village Kids

Step into an indoor adventure and let your imagination run wild!

Explore our new sensory wall and tortoise enclosure then join the wild ride on a giant helicopter. We also have big plush toys for little ones and some seats for grown-ups to unwind.

Outdoor play spaces

Perfect for connecting with nature and getting adventurous


Meerkat digging a hole in soil

Meerkat play zone

Location: next to Meerkats

Get your little one's hands sandy and dig like Meerkats do.

Two young girls looking at the camera standing behind some wooden play structures.

Bush babies adventure trail

Location: near Gorillas

Take your stroller through a bush adventure.

A young girl in bathers is smiling. There are fake hippo statues in the background.

Hippo beach and water play

Location: near Hippo Beach Café

Splash in the waterplay at Hippo Beach, conquer the super-size sandpit, or sway gently on the hammock swings for a quick break. There is also a café nearby for everyone to sit, recharge and gear up for the next round of wild adventures.

Two children, a boy and a girl, in school uniform are walking across a wooden bridge, smiling

Hippo play trail

Location: next to Hippos

Navigate the hippo play course and test your skills to see if you  can successfully manoeuvre your way to the other end.

A toddler is sitting in a sandpit playing with a bucket and spade.

Dig pit play zone

Location: next to Ranger Station

Dig out the mysteries lurking beneath the sand in this river sandpit – who knows what treasures and adventures await.

A young girl is smiling as she balances on a rope and holds onto another rope in a playground.

Monkey play zone

Location: near Vervet Monkeys

Have a swinging good time playing on the rope, channeling your inner monkey! Test your balance, strength, coordination and motor skills for an adventurous play session.

A young girl in overalls is smiling and running around. Other kids are blurred out in background.

African Village dance party zone

Location: at African Village

Music alert! Feel the rhythm and show off your dance moves at the African Village dance party!

A young girl is stepping across some logs while a woman holds her hands up and helps her balance.

Village kids playground

Location: next to Village Kitchen

Fun never stops at Village playground! Take a whirl on the swings, zip down the slides, climb on and conquer the monkey bars and dive into a world of fun with lots of fun equipment. 

Two children in zoo lanyards are running down a pathway surrounded by long grass and and bamboo.

Safe Cat maze

Location: after Gorillas Trail

Navigate your way through the maze by making choices that keep your furry friends safe.

A young child in a hat is walking across a wooden boardwalk, smiling at the camera while holding an adult's hand

Koala tree

Location: next to Koalas

Climb into the tree and experience a Koala's view of how Zoos Victoria is helping Kolas in the wild.

Remember, parental supervision is essential in these play spaces

Check out the Werribee Open Range Zoo map to plan your visit and find the play spaces.